Every youth is different. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. There’s no need to rush kids physically to competition (and expecting success) prior to 9th grade if they are still growing into their bodies. But BASICS and FUN can still be implemented and you can expect success to follow later. The taller the tree the more important the roots grow deep if there’s ever a storm and believe us Wrestling is a STORM. A storm that challenges the strong, culls the weak, and develops the disciplined.
A little “FUNK” from 1987. Watch to the end,
Here’s what we believe JFK would have said about YOUTH WRESTLING were he alive today:
“My Fellow Parents,
I am here today to talk to you about something that is very dear to my heart: our youth. As a father, I understand the importance of raising resilient and physically fit young people who do the right thing and aren't afraid of challenges. That is why I am here to talk to you about why kids should wrestle.
Wrestling is the perfect foundation for all other sports. It teaches balance, agility, hand-eye coordination, flexibility, positioning, strength, speed, explosiveness, footwork, hustle, mental focus, mental toughness, core strength, concentration, competition, and endurance. Wrestling will make our youth better at all other sports bar none.
But wrestling is not just about being good at other sports. It's fun! It's the most basic and instinctual game. Toddlers wrestle. The sport of wrestling is the ultimate competition where two individuals take their individual strengths and match them up against each other. Wrestling is a battle of wits, technique, speed, agility, flexibility, and toughness. No two wrestlers are alike. It's a fun and unique experience.
Wrestling is also one of the world’s most premier physical fitness sports. Wrestling develops strength and endurance. Poor health, obesity (post-Covid diabetes & heat issues) are a major issue in our society today, and wrestling will not only fix that but help youth develop a love of exercise, physical fitness and pursuit of cross-functional strength.
One of the most important things that wrestling teaches is self-confidence. Insecure people have the most difficult time learning from others and making progress even more difficult than it already is. Wrestling teaches hard work, self-improvement, a sense of accomplishment, camaraderie of team, 1 on 1 aspect, and self-defense to name a few. These promote self-worth, respect, and confidence.
Although wrestling is not commonly considered a “martial art,” it is the #1 base discipline in the world of MMA. Wrestlers know how to defend themselves and neutralize threats quickly. Wrestling is controlling an opponent. If you want your kids to know how to defend themselves, put them in wrestling.
Nothing teaches humility better than a 1-on-1 sport. Winning and losing in a 1-on-1 setting brings humility. All wrestlers will lose at some point, and doing so in these conditions teaches humility. Hard work and discipline are two keys to success in wrestling and both teach humility.
The challenges of being a wrestler teach you to respect yourself. After you learn to respect yourself, you will learn to respect others. You learn to respect your teammates as well as your opponents. You learn to listen to and respect your coach. After you learn to respect others, you are able to learn from them, a life lesson.
Wrestling is discipline. Repetition of drills, hard work, weight management, and continually doing the best thing instead of the easiest thing is discipline. Wrestling requires postponing instant “wants” to gain something more valuable long term. It takes discipline and focus to reach goals.
Wrestling is the perfect example of what it takes to be successful in life. It requires goal setting, hard work, determination, focus, love of challenges, love of competition, confidence, being coachable, mental toughness, discipline, creativity, teamwork, and accountability.
Wrestling is a physical, contact sport. You learn that sometimes you just get poked in the eye. Physical and mental toughness go hand in hand. You learn that a little pain or struggle is part of the process of doing great things.
My fellow parents, I cannot stress enough the importance of wrestling for our youth. It instills character and toughness. It teaches them to be humble, resilient and physically fit. It teaches them to do the right thing and not be afraid of challenges. It teaches them to have the emotional and intellectual resources to make independent decisions.
Wrestling is not just a sport but a way of life. That is why my kid wrestled, and I encourage yours to do the same.
Thank you.”
Our main goal in Wrestling is to foster in youth & teens the full appreciation of the sport of Wrestling and let that passion and thirstbe the driving force behind development and fruition of success. To this end we offer a year-round program that teaches Folkstyle, Freestyle, Greco-Roman and even Beach Wrestling!!
Our Mission in Life is to give youth the skills to wrestle down the obstacles they face in life to their backs and pin them. We believe the lessons we can teach from ‘that perfect circle’ are the lessons they need to succeed in ‘Life’.
What makes OCG different from other SoCal Wrestling Clubs? Click here.
What do OCG youth & teens learn from Wrestling that makes them different from other athletes? Listen to the stories of Wrestling Champions: video #0 , video #1, video #2, video #3, video #4 and video #5 (Gabe Dean - perspective/learning from your failures).
The broader the base of knowledge, the better the foundation and desire to continue through the learning process.
Our coaching staff is unique in that it includes some of the best Coaches and Mentors in Orange County, wrestlers who have decades of experience and (those with NCAA D1 & Int’l Competitive) backgrounds ranging from Moscow, Armenia, as well as West Coast and East Coast of the USA.
Recently at the U.S. Nationals competition in Las Vegas we showed that our Coaches still have what it takes to be at the top of the game at a National and International level (article). Last Summer two of our Coaches competed in UWW World Championships, in Bulgaria, both coming home with Gold Medals ( 1- Freestyle & 1- Greco-Roman). Right now we are training for the US OPEN 2023 in Las Vegas.
Our Contact Page is here if you have any specific questions that are not answered below.
Our Youth Training Schedule is here and directions are here.
OCG Youth/Teen (5 - 18 y.o.) wrestling info, pricing, enrollment, click here.
OCG Adult (18+ y.o.) Training Schedule, info, pricing, enrollment, click here.
Youth Membership Re-Enrollment: www.oc-grappling.org/re-enroll-youth if you have been an OCG wrestler in the past.
Adult Membership Re-Enrollment: www.oc-grappling.org/re-enroll-adult if you have been an OCG wrestler in the past.
(NEW) click here, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/regular-exercise-changes-brain-improve-memory-thinking-skills-201404097110
(NEW) Physical Activity Facts According to the CDC - for article click here, https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/physicalactivity/facts.htm
(NEW) The Values Wrestling Teaches Our Kids - for article click here, https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2018/April/13/Values-Learned-in-Youth-Wrestling
(NEW) 12 Reasons Why Wrestling is Good For You - for article click here, https://wayofmartialarts.com/wrestling-12-reasons-why-it-is-good-for-you/
(NEW) Why Wrestlers Make The Best Football Players - for article click https://www.stack.com/a/why-wrestling-makes-you-a-better-football-player/ by author Brandon Hall
(NEW) To Learn more about OCG please see our Club Values & Ethics Page by clicking here, or visit https://www.oc-grappling.org/values-ethics
(NEW) Youth & Teen Wrestling Practice and Clinic/Scrimmage FAQ if you’re an OCG Parent
Youth & Teen Wrestling Program Enrollment CLICK HERE. Youth/Teen Wrestler FAQ for Parents
Adult Wrestling Program Enrollment CLICK HERE. Adult Wrestling FAQ CLICK HERE.
Meet our Coaches CLICK HERE.
Private Lessons CLICK HERE
Information re: the 3 main style of Amateur Wrestling Folkstyle * Freestyle * Greco-Roman
Attn. Parents: if your kid(s) were enrolled previously at our Santa Ana H.S. OCG program, you may do a quick re-enrollment by clicking here! All locations, days & times will be the same as before (pre-Covid).
If you have any questions re: the Training Schedule feel free to text 714-325-8462
Our Skills & Technique page is now “live” for OCG members: www.oc-grappling.org/skills-and-technique This page is for Members Only, so it’s password protected. Members may ask for the password so you may Log In!
Co-Founded by a father and son in Orange County, CA, Gene and Domenic Patino, OCG was originally inspired by the desire of a single father to help his son with ADHD & Asperger’s integrate into mainstream society through the art of grappling. With the help of OCG’s first Head Coach, Olympian, Joe Gonzales, and the mentoring of a number of Wrestling Hall of Famers who were instrumental in developing the wisdom and thought process of OCG in creating a fuller appreciation of Wrestling in it’s student OCG was formed.
"Our job as an organization is to give our student-athletes the ability to develop the tools they will need to be happy and successful in life," Coach Patino said of OCG.
"No one should have to go through their youth and teen years never truly knowing what they are truly capable of. That they are the masters of their own destinies. Living in fear of trying their best because they might fail. We can all shoot for the stars such that even if we fail we hit the moon and are still more successful than 95% of the masses who fear to commit or take such chances.”
We are a year-round nonpartisan, family-friendly, grass roots-oriented club, which is both USA Wrestling and AAU Chartered that t not only teaches Folkstyle, Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling, but the life lessons of the sport.
One of our goals is not only to grow the sport, but to teach the intrinsic values Wrestling brings to the everyday lives of those it touches. Wrestling changes lives for the better.
While some prefer low-hanging fruit, we seek long-term human development & creation of something of value from even the basest clay. In this way Wrestling has something for everyone. Humanistic & wholistic physical, mental & spiritual growth resulting in the development of healthy & happy young men and women.
Wrestling creates an amazing assortment of friends and enriches their lives tremendously, enabling them to conquer life’s seemingly most insurmountable goals. THAT is the TRUE VALUE OF WRESTLING. More important than any medal or trophy.
Wrestling bestows upon it’s athletes life lessons that directly develop character, resilience and accountability. Fundamental knowledge that even from humblest of beginnings, all of us can develop the ability to takedown both our fears and obstacles in life.
OCG started when Gene Patino together with Joe "Gonzo" Gonzales, a Tbilisi Champ, three-time World Cup and five-time National Open Freestyle Wrestling champion both wanted to create a sustainable, positive youth wrestling experience for local HB youth. A club where kids could get a glimpse into the lifestyle of a wrestler and a full appreciation for the sport while developing to their potential regardless of their God-given talent, experience level or financial resources. Gene, due to his love of wrestling and his son's condition (Autism and ADHD) had a passion for helping kids with special needs and youth struggling with motor skill issues, self-respect, inclusion, acceptance and personal fulfillment. Joe had grown up in a blue collar family in the heart of Boyle Heights, knew what it was like to be poor and have few options or resources to spend on sports. Joe also knew intimately what it took to be truly great at the sport but that too many youth were "burned out" by youth programs that put ego and trophy-hunting before development and appreciation of the sport. From this and the support of local wrestling coaches in Huntington Beach who believed in the value of the sport, OCG became a non-partisan youth program that put the kids "first".
Fast forward to today. Wrestlers who've trained with OCG have attained college scholarships, placed in CIF, CIF-Masters and CIF-State. One of our alum just started wrestling for John Smith at OK State this Fall ‘21 at 149lbs a very tough weight class. But the focus has always been on the whole human being, not the awards. This idea has now taken off with programs in both Huntington Beach and Santa Ana. Well over five hundred wrestling scholarships have been given to youth wrestlers and OCG is currently supported by the HBPCF (the Huntington Beach Police and Community Foundation purchased our wrestling mats for us), the Santa Ana Police Officer’s Association. OCG's Santa Ana youth program provides drastically reduced cost wrestling training for Santa Ana Residents compared to all other wrestling in the area. We support at-risk youth with not just wrestling training, but mentoring and aim to increase grades, school attendance and by positively changing the trajectory of young lives.
All youth and teens have the right to be the architects of their own futures.
Wrestling is a sport that transcends money, stats or win loss records, it develops the whole human being.
We can all be train harder, develop further, do more and compete at a higher level than we believe we can.
our motto
"technique beats strength,
Wrestling is mankind’s original sport. It is the mother of all world wide grappling arts: Judo, Wushu, Sambo, BJJ etc.. Long before the first Ancient Greek Olympics, had left it's imprint on our psyches. As soon as we could walk upright we have been wrestling each other to the ground for fun, camaraderie & competition. Cave drawings recording many of the same wrestling techniques still used today have been found dating back 5,000+ B.C.. Wrestling is a sport that has shapes character, sharpens minds and develops both true confidence & humility. Where else can two competitors engage in a sport of "physical chess" employing intelligence, heart, balance, power, technique and strength without any expensive equipment? It's a fact that every known human culture boasts it's own indigenous style of wrestling. What other sport is so universal, so much a part of our DNA?
Enrollment: www.oc-grappling.org/enrollmentstepone
Co-Ed adult wrestling
OCG offers Adult Wrestling five (5) days a week in two (2) locations. For more information click here.
WrestlingMart: www.wrestlingmart.com
Leader Headgear: https://leaderheadgear.com (use promo code: OCG when buying)
Common New Wrestler Questions:
Q #1: Where should I buy my wrestling gear, singlets, shoes & knee pads? A: We send all of our new wrestlers to WrestlingMart in Irvine, it’s the largest Wrestling Retailer in North America. Everybody they hire are Wrestlers, so they know the gear. They carry everything you could want for the sport. Their address is: 22 Mauchly, Irvine, CA 92618 and telephone number is: 949-753-1994 or 888-887-8893.
For those on limited budgets or those who cannot afford new wrestling shoes, talk to one of the OCG coaches and we can check if have a used pairs of shoes we can gladly loan out to aspiring wrestlers.
Q #2: Where should I buy my hygiene products? A: Hygiene is extremely important to Wrestling. We suggest the Defense Soap product line: soap, body gel, foam etc... These can be bought directly from Defense Soap and Wrestling Mart.
WrestlingMart has been on the mat since 2002. We're on a mission to provide the highest quality customer service and wrestling products.
Try Defense Soap for your wrestling season hygiene needs. The EPA recently released a list of registered antimicrobial products for use against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19. Our Disinfectant tablets are on that list.
J Robinson is a wrestling icon. His career got started in San Diego where he won the California CIF. He then attended Oklahoma State, was an Army ranger, went to Vietnam and was a 1972 Olympian on the Greco team. Shortly after the Olympics, J moved to Iowa City and took an assistant coaching job. He’d spend the next 12 seasons at Iowa, most of which working for legendary coach Dan Gable, and helped the Hawks win 9 national titles. After taking a 2 year break from college wrestling, J became the head coach at Minnesota and created a wrestling dynasty by winning 3 NCAA titles and 6 Big 10 titles. J also owns the J Rob Intensive Wrestling Camps businesses and has spent 40+ years working with high schoolers during the summer. Enjoy this one folks!
OCG Tutoring during the Summer!
If you want to ASK US A QUESTION, please text us at 714-325-8462
If you’re a PARENT and are considering signing-up your youth (ages 8–18), please visit: oc-grappling.org/enrollmentstepone
If you’re looking for our location or directions, click here.
If you’re interested in our Adult and HS Elite Schedule, click here.
If you’re interested in Youth & (all) HS Teen Enrollment click here.
If you’re interested in Adult Enrollment click here.
If you want to make a payment, click here.
Orange County Grappling's (OCG's) mission (co-founded by Gene Patino) is to use the sport of wrestling as a character development vehicle for positive individual change. Wrestling can provide people to develop the thought process, skills and determination to overcome life’s obstacles. Through discipline, passion, self-accountability, attention to detail and consistency, anything can be accomplished.
What makes OCG different?
At our club, we prioritize a long-term approach to teaching and coaching rather than focusing solely on winning trophies or engaging in excessive competition. We view development as a non-linear process and understand that each individual is unique. Instead of emphasizing the current season, we place greater importance on "the plan" that guides our athletes' progress.
Our Coaches and management are not just back-ground checked but vetted, and live their lives by the values we hold dear both on and off the mat. If you want to learn more about our club viewpoint, feel free to listen to this Spotify interview of one of our Co-Founders, Gene Patino: https://spotify.link/ZNlRGnSAayb
Because we interact with kids in their formative years, we know it’s not only our responsibility to coach them in Wrestling, it’s also our responsibility to TEACH/COACH/MENTOR them as “future Adults”.
These are the years when they learn 100% of what they see/hear/ascertain from their Coaches, both the good and the bad. So we hold our coaches to very high standards of conduct and lifestyles so that our Youth will develop healthy, clean and positive lifestyles by making the right ‘life choices’.
In late 2019, we expanded our club to include an Elite High School and Adult Wrestling component called OCG Elite, catering to wrestlers aged 18 and above who seek the same level of excellence. To learn more about this addition, please click here.
OCG Coach, Robert Paul Perez 111, shadow Wrestling a great way to warm-up & develop your chain wrestling! #americanborngrappler #orbertpaulperez111
Beach Wrestling at: oc-grappling.org/beachwrestling
Adult Wrestling program at: oc-grappling.org/adultwrestling
OUR REVIEWS (60+ 5.0 stars)
Orange County Grappling FaceBook reviews click here.
Orange County Grappling Yelp reviews click here.
Orange County Grappling Google reviews click here.
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web CONTACT to ask questions
Web: oc-grappling.org/contact Email: info@oc-grappling.org
Email all your Accounting questions here: ocysa.accntng@gmail.com
New Wrestler ENROLLMENt
Youth/Teen www.oc-grappling.org/enrollmentstepone
Adult www.oc-grappling.org/adultwrestling
Questions can be addressed via email: info@oc-grappling.org or web: oc-grappling.org/contact
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Before practice do not eat any junk food (ie. McDonald’s) sugary foods, food laden with artificial dyes, junk food or drink sodas. Eat fruit (apple, banana, orange), nuts, a hard-boiled egg or natural trail mix is fine. We run a vigorous practice and do not have time to deal with youth who are dealing with “poor food choice meltdowns”, such as “sugar highs”, “sugar lows”, or “sugar crashes”. Gatorade for ex. has too much sugar in it. Fill your child’s Gatorade bottle to 50/50 H2O. These issues disrupt practices and create poor CONCENTRATION habits in general that impede athletic growth mental & physical growth.
All youths should be sure go to the bathroom BEFORE practice. Before they put their wrestling shoes on. Youths should never enter any bathroom with either bare feet or while wearing wrestling shoes.
All youths should enter the practice with clean hands and face especially and short fingernails without dark grime or dirt underneath said finger nails.
If your youth has never wrestled and are trying out your first practice just come in your PE clothes or a tight fitting tee shirt, rash guard and dri-fit and workout shorts (preferably without pockets) and you can go barefoot your first day of practice. Regarding wrestling shoes we might have spares available your size but you must ask the Coach at least 15 minutes before practice.
Always bring your own water bottle to practice and bring a sweat towel to wipe your self off.
All youths must raise their hands to ask questions, never talk over the coaches and whining is very discouraged. We never say the word “CAN’T” in the room it simply is not in our vocabulary.
Tell your youth before practice that we are all friends in the room and no one is mean. That’s the truth. We care for and respect each other. Your youth will earn the respect of the other wrestlers through their effort and actions, not words. No one is expected to be perfect at anything, just trying hard is enough. We only improve everyday through hard work, not talking about it.
During the water breaks is a great time to talk to the coaches and ask questions privately. Each coach will treat you respectfully. The goal of each coach is to tech your youth how to get tougher, smarter, wiser, more respectful, confident and successful person. We want each youth to become the best version of theirself.
It takes a village to raise a child.